Thursday, February 7, 2008

Political sickness

I don't know who the next President is going to be. I hope that someone other than the current frontrunners emerges, not likely though. I am continually bothered by the political scene these days. I'm fairly conservative but I play nicely with people of all perspectives because that's what my Faith calls me to do. To be Jesus, not God. I like the Constitution a great deal too. I like to think that we have the power as the voting public but... honestly I'm not sure how much power we do have. Howard Dean said something so disturbing to me today, it was not about politics so much, but rather about the electoral process. That is, since the race between Hillary and Obama is so close, the DNC might not have a candidate before their convention. According to Dean, this is "not good news". Why? Because the Dems would loose time fighting the Republican nominee to time fighting each other over Hillary and Obama. That makes sense that it's not good news. Seems less than ideal for sure to have to wait, but isn't that ok if the race is that close? Shouldn't the process allow the voters the chance to work it out? Seems like it to me. But Dean went on to say this. "I think we will have a nominee by March or April but if we don't we're going to have to get the candidates together and make some kind of arrangement". 
That is blatant disregard for the voters. "Make some kind of arrangement"??? How's about sticking with, letting every vote count, giving power to the people or all the other things that politicians pretend to believe in. Bastards. 

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